Install notes for NASA/Pleiades: gcc stack


Warning. These instructions for a gcc stack are quite outdated and have not been tested in well over a year. A lot has shifted in the stack since then (e.g., h5py, matplotlib) and using these is at your own risk. We have been using the intel compilers exclusively on Pleiades, so please see those instructions. These gcc instructions are kept for posterity and future use.

Old instructions

An initial Pleiades environment is pretty bare-bones. There are no modules, and your shell is likely a csh varient. To switch shells, send an e-mail to; I’ll be using bash.

Then add the following to your .profile:

# Add your commands here to extend your PATH, etc.

module load gcc
module load git
module load openssl

export BUILD_HOME=$HOME/build

export PATH=$BUILD_HOME/bin:$BUILD_HOME:/$PATH  # Add private commands to PATH


export CC=mpicc

#pathing for Dedalus2
export MPI_ROOT=$BUILD_HOME/openmpi-1.8


We are moving here to a python 3.4 build. Also, it looks like scipy-0.14 and numpy 1.9 are going to have happier sparse matrix performance.

Doing the entire build took about 1 hour. This was with several (4) open ssh connections to Pleaides to do poor-mans-parallel building (of openBLAS, hdf5, fftw, etc.), and one was on a dev node for the openmpi and openblas compile.

Python stack

Interesting update. Pleiades now appears to have a python3 module. Fascinating. It comes with matplotlib (1.3.1), scipy (0.12), numpy (1.8.0) and cython (0.20.1) and a few others. Very interesting. For now we’ll proceed with our usual build-it-from-scratch approach, but this should be kept in mind for the future. No clear mpi4py, and the mpi4py install was a hangup below for some time.

Building Openmpi

The suggested mpi-sgi/mpt MPI stack breaks with mpi4py; existing versions of openmpi on Pleiades are outdated and suffer from a previously identified bug (v1.6.5), so we’ll roll our own. This needs to be built on a compute node so that the right memory space is identified.:

# do this on a main node (where you can access the outside internet):
tar xvf openmpi-1.7.3.tar.gz

# get ivy-bridge compute node
qsub -I -q devel -l select=1:ncpus=20:mpiprocs=20:model=ivy -l walltime=02:00:00

# once node exists
cd openmpi-1.7.3
./configure \
    --prefix=$BUILD_HOME \
    --enable-mpi-interface-warning \
    --without-slurm \
    --with-tm=/PBS \
    --without-loadleveler \
    --without-portals \
    --enable-mpirun-prefix-by-default \

make install

These compilation options are based on /nasa/openmpi/1.6.5/, and are thanks to advice from Daniel Kokron at NAS.

We’re using openmpi 1.7.3 here because something substantial changes in 1.7.4 and from that point onwards instances of mpirun hang on Pleiades, when used on more than 1 node worth of cores. I’ve tested this extensively with a simple hello world program ( and for now suggest we move forward until this is resolved.

Building Python3

Create $BUILD_HOME and then proceed with downloading and installing Python-3.4:

wget --no-check-certificate
tar xzf Python-3.4.0.tgz
cd Python-3.4.0

./configure --prefix=$BUILD_HOME \
                     CC=mpicc \
                     CXX=mpicxx \
                     F90=mpif90 \
                     --enable-shared LDFLAGS="-lpthread" \
                     --with-cxx-main=mpicxx --with-system-ffi

make install

All of the intel patches, etc. are unnecessary in the gcc stack.


We’re getting a problem on _curses_panel and on _sqlite3; ignoring for now.

Installing pip

Python 3.4 now automatically includes pip.

On Pleiades, you’ll need to edit .pip/pip.conf:

cert = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

You will now have pip3 installed in $BUILD_HOME/bin. You might try doing pip3 -V to confirm that pip3 is built against python 3.4. We will use pip3 throughout this documentation to remain compatible with systems (e.g., Mac OS) where multiple versions of python coexist.

Installing mpi4py

This should be pip installed:

pip3 install mpi4py


Test that this works by doing a:

from mpi4py import MPI

This will segfault on sgi-mpi, but appears to work fine on openmpi-1.8, 1.7.3, etc.

Installing FFTW3

We need to build our own FFTW3, under intel 14 and mvapich2/2.0b:

 tar -xzf fftw-3.3.4.tar.gz
 cd fftw-3.3.4

./configure --prefix=$BUILD_HOME \
                      CC=mpicc \
                      CXX=mpicxx \
                      F77=mpif90 \
                      MPICC=mpicc MPICXX=mpicxx \
                      --enable-shared \
                      --enable-mpi --enable-openmp --enable-threads
 make install

It’s critical that you use mpicc as the C-compiler, etc. Otherwise the libmpich libraries are not being correctly linked into and dedalus failes on fftw import.

Installing nose

Nose is useful for unit testing, especially in checking our numpy build:

pip3 install nose

Installing cython

This should just be pip installed:

pip3 install cython

The Feb 11, 2014 update to cython (0.20.1) seems to work with gcc.

Numpy and BLAS libraries

Numpy will be built against a specific BLAS library. On Pleiades we will build against the OpenBLAS libraries.

All of the intel patches, etc. are unnecessary in the gcc stack.

Building OpenBLAS

From Stampede instructions:

# this needs to be done on a frontend
git clone git://

# suggest doing this build on a compute node, so we get the
# right number of openmp threads and architecture
cd OpenBLAS
make PREFIX=$BUILD_HOME install

Here’s the build report before the make install:


OS               ... Linux
Architecture     ... x86_64
BINARY           ... 64bit
C compiler       ... GCC  (command line : mpicc)
Fortran compiler ... GFORTRAN  (command line : gfortran)
Library Name     ... libopenblas_sandybridgep-r0.2.9.rc2.a (Multi threaded; Max num-threads is 40)

Building numpy against OpenBLAS

Now, acquire numpy (1.8.1):

tar xvf numpy-1.8.1.tar.gz
cd numpy-1.8.1

Create site.cfg with information for the OpenBLAS library directory

Next, make a site specific config file:

cp site.cfg.example site.cfg
emacs -nw site.cfg

Edit site.cfg to uncomment the [openblas] section; modify the library and include directories so that they correctly point to your ~/build/lib and ~/build/include (note, you may need to do fully expanded paths). With my account settings, this looks like:

libraries = openblas
library_dirs = /u/bpbrown/build/lib
include_dirs = /u/bpbrown/build/include

where $BUILD_HOME=/u/bpbrown/build. We may in time want to consider adding fftw as well. Now build:

python3 config build_clib build_ext install

This will config, build and install numpy.

Test numpy install

Test that things worked with this executable script numpy_test_full. You can do this full-auto by doing:

chmod +x numpy_test_full

We succesfully link against fast BLAS and the test results look normal.

Python library stack

After numpy has been built we will proceed with the rest of our python stack.

Installing Scipy

Scipy is easier, because it just gets its config from numpy. Dong a pip install fails, so we’ll keep doing it the old fashioned way:

tar -xvf scipy-0.13.3.tar.gz
cd scipy-0.13.3
python3 config build_clib build_ext install


We do not have umfpack; we should address this moving forward, but for now I will defer that to a later day.

Installing matplotlib

This should just be pip installed:

pip3 install matplotlib

Installing sympy

This should just be pip installed:

pip3 install sympy

Installing HDF5 with parallel support

The new analysis package brings HDF5 file writing capbaility. This needs to be compiled with support for parallel (mpi) I/O:

tar xvf hdf5-1.8.12.tar
cd hdf5-1.8.12
./configure --prefix=$BUILD_HOME \
                    CC=mpicc \
                    CXX=mpicxx \
                    F77=mpif90 \
                    MPICC=mpicc MPICXX=mpicxx \
                    --enable-shared --enable-parallel
make install

Next, install h5py. For reasons that are currently unclear to me, this cannot be done via pip install.

Installing h5py with collectives

We’ve been exploring the use of collectives for faster parallel file writing.

git is having some problems, especially with it’s SSL version. I suggest adding the following to ~/.gitconfig:

sslCAinfo = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

This is still not working, owing (most likely) to git being built on an outdated SSL version. Here’s a short-term hack:

export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true

To build that version of the h5py library:

git clone git://
cd h5py
git checkout mpi_collective
export CC=mpicc
python3 configure --mpi
python3 build
python3 install

Here’s the original h5py repository:

git clone git://
cd h5py
export CC=mpicc
python3 configure --mpi
python3 build
python3 install


This is ugly. We’re getting a “-R” error at link, triggered by distutils not recognizing that mpicc is gcc or something like that. Looks like we’re failing if self._is_gcc(compiler) For now, I’ve hand-edited in lib/python3.3/distutils and changed this line:

def _is_gcc(self, compiler_name):
return “gcc” in compiler_name or “g++” in compiler_name


def _is_gcc(self, compiler_name):
return “gcc” in compiler_name or “g++” in compiler_name or “mpicc” in compiler_name

This is a hack, but it get’s us running and alive!


Ahh… I understand what’s happening here. We built with mpicc, and the test _is_gcc looks for whether gcc appears anywhere in the compiler name. It doesn’t in mpicc, so the gcc checks get missed. This is only ever used in the runtime_library_dir_option() call. So we’d need to either rename the mpicc wrapper something like mpicc-gcc or do a test on compiler --version or something. Oh boy. Serious upstream problem for mpicc wrapped builds that cythonize and go to link. Hmm…

Installing Mercurial

On NASA Pleiades, we need to install mercurial itself:

tar xvf mercurial-2.9.tar.gz
cd mercurial-2.9
make install PREFIX=$BUILD_HOME

I suggest you add the following to your ~/.hgrc:

username = <your bitbucket username/e-mail address here>
editor = emacs

cacerts = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

graphlog =
color =
convert =
mq =



With the modules set as above, set:

export MPI_PATH=$BUILD_HOME/openmpi-1.8

Then change into your root dedalus directory and run:

python build_ext --inplace

further packages needed for Keaton’s branch:

pip3 install tqdm
pip3 install pathlib

Running Dedalus on Pleiades

Our scratch disk system on Pleiades is /nobackup/user-name. On this and other systems, I suggest soft-linking your scratch directory to a local working directory in home; I uniformly call mine workdir:

ln -s /nobackup/bpbrown workdir

Long-term mass storage is on LOU.