
Class for centralized evaluation of expression trees.

Module Contents

class Evaluator(domain, vars)

Coordinates evaluation of operator trees through various handlers.

  • domain (domain object) – Problem domain
  • vars (dict) – Variables for parsing task expression strings
add_dictionary_handler(self, **kw)

Create a dictionary handler and add to evaluator.

add_system_handler(self, **kw)

Create a system handler and add to evaluator.

add_file_handler(self, filename, **kw)

Create a file handler and add to evaluator.

add_handler(self, handler)

Add a handler to evaluator.

evaluate_group(self, group, **kw)

Evaluate all handlers in a group.

evaluate_scheduled(self, wall_time, sim_time, iteration, **kw)

Evaluate all scheduled handlers.

evaluate_handlers(self, handlers, id=None, **kw)

Evaluate a collection of handlers.

require_coeff_space(self, fields)

Move all fields to coefficient layout.

static get_fields(tasks)

Get field set for a collection of tasks.

static attempt_tasks(tasks, **kw)

Attempt tasks and return the unfinished ones.

class Handler(domain, vars, group=None, wall_dt=np.inf, sim_dt=np.inf, iter=np.inf)

Group of tasks with associated scheduling data.

  • domain (domain object) – Problem domain
  • vars (dict) – Variables for parsing task expression strings
  • group (str, optional) – Group name for forcing selected handelrs (default: None)
  • wall_dt (float, optional) – Wall time cadence for evaluating tasks (default: infinite)
  • sim_dt (float, optional) – Simulation time cadence for evaluating tasks (default: infinite)
  • iter (int, optional) – Iteration cadence for evaluating tasks (default: infinite)
add_task(self, task, layout='g', name=None, scales=None)

Add task to handler.

add_tasks(self, tasks, **kw)

Add multiple tasks.

add_system(self, system, **kw)

Add fields from a FieldSystem.

class DictionaryHandler(*args, **kw)


Handler that stores outputs in a dictionary.

process(self, **kw)

Reference fields from dictionary.

class SystemHandler


Handler that sets fields in a FieldSystem.


Build FieldSystem and set task outputs.

process(self, **kw)

Gather fields into system.

class FileHandler(base_path, *args, max_writes=np.inf, max_size=2**30, parallel=None, mode=None, **kw)


Handler that writes tasks to an HDF5 file.

  • base_path (str) – Base path for analyis output folder
  • max_writes (int, optional) – Maximum number of writes per set (default: infinite)
  • max_size (int, optional) – Maximum file size to write to, in bytes (default: 2**30 = 1 GB). (Note: files may be larger after final write.)
  • parallel (bool, optional) – Perform parallel writes from each process to single file (True), or separately write to individual process files (False). Default behavior set by config option.
  • mode (str, optional) – ‘overwrite’ to delete any present analysis output with the same base path. ‘append’ to begin with set number incremented past any present analysis output. Default behavior set by config option.

Check if write or size limits have been reached.


Return current HDF5 file, creating if necessary.


Generate new HDF5 file in current_path.

setup_file(self, file)
process(self, world_time, wall_time, sim_time, timestep, iteration, **kw)

Save task outputs to HDF5 file.

get_write_stats(self, layout, scales, constant, index)

Determine write parameters for nonconstant subspace of a field.

get_hdf5_spaces(self, layout, scales, constant, index)

Create HDF5 space objects for writing nonconstant subspace of a field.